Cambridge Main Street is a community-driven non-profit organization. Together we foster economic vitality, and preserve and promote our historic downtown, while enhancing a dynamic and inclusive city center.


Our Vision is to have a vibrant Downtown that connects the community, visitors, and businesses.


Karah Bunde

Lori Dever Uncapher

Chad Edmondson, Treasurer

Patti Godlee

Lou Hyman

Ericca Stanley-Jones

Abby Messick, President

Tykeia Palmore

Casey Scott

Andrea Sommer, Vice President

Brett Summers


Christina Wingate-Spence
Executive Director

Dorchester County native, Christina Wingate-Spence is a graduate of Washington College, in Chestertown, MD. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and completed an internship with the Maryland General Assembly.

Christina’s career began as a programs manager for Upper Shore Aging, Inc., the Area Agency on Aging for Caroline, Kent and Talbot Counties. From there, she spent more than 20 years in health care sales, marketing and communications, having worked in various capacities for area skilled nursing facilities, assisted living communities, home care organizations and most recently, acute inpatient rehabilitation. Christina also spent time working in marketing and communications for University of Maryland Shore Regional Health. During her career in health care, she was the recipient of two national awards for her achievement in sales and community-based marketing.

In addition to her professional experiences, Christina has been a member of various community volunteer organizations, committees and boards.

Christina has spent the majority of her life in Dorchester County and is thrilled to have the opportunity to utilize her marketing, communications and public relations skills to help promote and grow Cambridge’s Main Street District. She is deeply rooted in this community and because of that, has a vested interest in the success and continued development of its local businesses and organizations.